Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

Captain America: Brave New World begins with a compelling premise involving a president seeking to reassemble the Avengers and a mysterious attack against the president by someone seemingly controlled against their will. This strong opening sets the stage for an intriguing narrative, but the film quickly becomes muddled within a convoluted plot. Numerous contrived twists and turns fail to resonate, and the attempt to flesh out character motivations ultimately falls flat, feeling neither genuine nor compelling.
The action sequences are disappointingly subpar and largely forgettable, lacking the excitement and spectacle one would expect from a Marvel film. However, Harrison Ford shines as the newly elected president. Despite his standout performance, the choppy screenplay in the third and fourth acts causes the movie to stumble, leading to an unsatisfying resolution.
Fans hoping for post-credit surprises will be disappointed. There is no mid-credit scene, and the end-credit scene merely hints at the arrival of multiverse characters, leaving much to be desired.
Final Verdict: | Captain America: Brave New World starts with potential but ultimately crumbles under the weight of its convoluted plot and lackluster action. |
Rating: | D+ |